Do You Know Relentless?



The importance of this project is not just for one person’s success as it is about a movement. The Relentless movement has been an ongoing journey that stretches from Mount Vernon, NY to the bustling entertainment capital of Atlanta, Georgia. Relentless Aaron is still hungry, his talent is as powerful as ever, and times have changed from the traditional theatrical debut to all the many streaming services that are searching for multi-cultural entertainment that will keep viewers. So then why is it so difficult to get thru the door, especially for someone like this who has a powerful track record as a writer, an entrepreneur and a survivor. Here we are over 25 years since that first book and still this brand (according to Relentless) hasn’t reached it’s maximum potential. So now it’s urgent, because life doesn’t promise tomorrow. And Relentless is as Relentless does. Dive-in and see what the hysteria is all about. Watch the video: