Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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The Power of Persistence: How to Keep Going When the World Says No

Rejection is a part of life, but for some of us, it can feel like a constant companion.

In life, there are moments when it feels like everything is falling apart. You put in the work, you pour your heart into something, and yet the answer comes back as a resounding “no.” For many, rejection can stop them in their tracks. But I’ve learned through some of the toughest moments that persistence isn’t just a trait—it’s a way of life. Here’s how I’ve navigated the setbacks, rejections, and tough times by leaning on relentless persistence.

1. The Toughest “No” I’ve Ever Faced

One of the hardest rejections I’ve ever experienced didn’t come from the business world. It came from trying to reunite with my family, a family I had spent years investing in, loving, and embracing. When the mother of my children said no to our reunion, it was one of the most painful moments I’ve ever faced. That “no” didn’t just mean the end of a relationship; it meant I had to pivot hard and figure out how to build my life on my own terms.

I had to sacrifice being the father under the same roof as my children. That loss hit me hard, but it also forced me to grow. It pushed me into new love and new possibilities. What I’ve realized over time is that every rejection is a redirection. As discouraging as a “no” can be, it can also be a sign that there’s something better out there—if you keep your heart and mind open to the possibility.

2. What Drives Me to Keep Pushing

Years ago, I met Dr. Robert Schuller in the green room at The Today Show. That moment was surreal for me because, until then, he had only been a mentor to me through his books and TV broadcasts. His words stuck with me and still fuel my drive today: “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”

It’s more than a quote; it’s a mantra I live by. No matter the challenge, I know that I’m built to endure, to overcome. Tough times will always come—they’re part of life’s cycle. But I remind myself that I’m tougher than any obstacle I face.

When things seem impossible, I hold on to this mindset: I can handle whatever life throws at me. I don’t fear challenges, because they only strengthen my resolve. Even when life tries to knock me down, I stand firm knowing that I’m here to win.

3. The Thought of Giving Up—and Why I Never Do

Everyone has moments where they feel like they’ve run out of options. I’ve had those moments too—times when I thought, this is it, this is the end. But deep down, I’m an optimist. I believe that no matter how bad things get, everything is going to be alright.

If there’s a big expense on the horizon? We’ll get through it. If I hurt myself, I know I’ll heal. If a business deal goes south or a relationship falls apart, I believe something better is coming. Tomorrow always brings new opportunities, new relationships, and new chances. That belief, that deep-seated optimism, is what keeps me going during the tough times.

4. Maintaining Persistence in Today’s Overwhelming World

In a world filled with distractions, it can be easy to lose focus. But thank God for creativity—my passion. When life feels overwhelming, I pour my energy into writing, creating fiction, nonfiction, comic strips, graphic novels, audiobooks, podcasts—anything that lets my creativity flow.

Creativity owns me. It’s what fuels my persistence, and it’s what keeps me centered. No matter what challenges I face, I can always turn to my work, my passion, to help me move forward. My voice—whether it’s in writing, speaking, or creating—resonates with people across the board, and that knowledge gives me the fuel to keep going. Even when there are objections, even when the road gets rough, I stand tall, grounded in my truth.

Persistence is part of who I am. It’s woven into my DNA. Drive and intention are the gas in my tank, and as long as I have those, I’ll keep moving forward.

5. My Advice for Those Facing Rejection

Here’s the truth: to get to a “yes,” you might have to go through a hundred “no’s.” And if you know that upfront, you’ll be prepared for the grind. If you want ten yeses, you need to reach a thousand people. Whether it’s in person, over the phone, or digitally, success is a numbers game.

So my advice? Keep pushing. Keep putting yourself out there. When you wake up, until you go to sleep, make sure your work is working for you. Whether it’s through your voice, your writing, your content—make sure something you’ve created is reaching people 24/7.

And then scale that by ten. By a hundred. The level of success you achieve will be directly proportional to the effort and persistence you put in.

Persistence isn’t just a mindset; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about pushing forward even when the road ahead is unclear, even when the world says no. And it’s about knowing that, no matter what, you have what it takes to make it through.

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