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Monday, March 17, 2025

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Ari Fletcher Opens Up About Quitting Vaping In 2025

Ari Fletcher is starting 2025 with a whole new vibe!

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Ari Fletcher Reveals Her New Year Resolutions

In a video The Shade Room shared from LiveBitez, Ari Fletcher shares details on her plans for the New Year. In the short clip, Fletcher holds a vape and says, “This vape isn’t coming with me in the new year.”

She then asks someone off-camera if she should toss it in a cup, but then grabs the camera and walks away with it. Furthermore, she offers the vape to another person, adding that she doesn’t “want to pass on a bad habit.” 

As the video continues, Ari walks away and tosses the vape in the trash, admitting she, “wanted it so bad.” However, she followed up with, “That’s done! We celebrating our small wins.” Ari proudly announces she’s done with vapes for good and feels super accomplished. Additionally, she shared her plans to treat herself with “some flowers and balloons” as a reward for sticking to her decision.

Ari Fletcher didn’t stop at quitting vaping — she’s also embracing reading as a new habit for 2025. She shared that she kicked things off by ordering two books to dive into.

Social Media Weighs In

People flooded The Shade Room’s comment section with their takes on Ari Fletcher’s goals for 2025. Most hyped her up for ditchin’ vaping and even said they hope more folks take on the habit.

Instagram user @my.4.lil.gems wrote,Good for her👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾health is wealth.” 

Instagram user @___michellelaree wrote, It’s a Start. Y’all so negative.” 

While Instagram user @tbebbie wrote, I thought she was keeping everything private in 2025?” 

Then Instagram user @sirrmilan wrote, January is always the trial run… Feb 1st is really the start of the year 😂” 

Another Instagram user @danielles_cupcakery wrote, NO MORE VAPING IS A BIG WIN NOT A SMALL ONE. #vapingkills” 

Instagram user @nairobian_joshking wrote, Everyone is always chasing something new this first week😅 we gon be in default by Feb.” 

While another Instagram user @b__wallace__ wrote, I hope giving up vaping trends in 2025, especially amongst these kids. Smh” 

Lastly, Instagram user @keysbykeyshawna wrote, 🔥🔥🔥 vapes are horrible for you. I’m glad she did that. Maybe all her followers will do the same.” 

RELATED: Ari Fletcher Addresses Surgery Rumors After Fans Point Out Her Appearance In Recent Viral Video 

What Do You Think Roomies?

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